Thursday, March 20, 2014

Talking About Brands

There are many recognizable brands that exist. It's hard to talk about every single brand. Some brands are discussed frequently, while other brands are not talked about. Why do people talk about some brands, but not others? Ed Keller and Brad Fay use Chapter 2 of The Face-to-Face Book to discuss what causes people to talk about a brand.

People talk a lot about a brand or company when a new product is available. What about well-known brands? Are they talked about? Keller and Fay believe people should ask these questions and discuss Seth Godin's 2003 book, The Purple Cow. In the book, Godin's family traveled to France. On the way to France, they passed many pastures with cows. Eventually, the cows were not interesting and the family ignored the cows. However, a purple cow would get noticed because it would be a unique cow. Godin states many products are not unique enough to demand attention. If a brand has something remarkable, people will remember it and talk about the brand (p. 31). That idea remains true today. When a brand has something that is different from other brands, that different item makes people talk. That unique item is the cause for discussion.

Chick-fil-A's "Daddy-Daughter Date Nights" are one reason people talk about the brand. Different restaurants hold these date nights throughout the year. It is common for the restaurant to be closed to the general public, making the evening more special for the fathers and daughters who attend. Chick-fil-A provides each pair with a tray liner with conversation starters, allowing for good conversation. They also receive a take-home booklet filled with ideas for other activities fathers and daughters can do together (p. 46). I really like Chick-fil-A's "Daddy-Daughter Date Nights" idea. It gives fathers and daughters an opportunity to talk and catch up on each other's lives. They also get to spend quality time with each other and build their relationship.

Brands need that special thing that causes people to talk about them. When brands have a unique item, it gives people something to talk about. If someone has that special item, that person can act as a brand ambassador and talk about the product and the brand. As a result, more people may learn about the brand and check the brand out. The Purple Cow and Chick-fil-A's "Daddy-Daughter Date Nights" are just two examples of a special thing other brands do not have. These are things that get people talking, which brands want. Brands want people to talk about them, whether it is through word of mouth or social media. When people talk about a brand, that brand stays relevant, as it is considered important enough to talk about.

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