Friday, November 1, 2013

30 Minutes for Social Media

In an organization, you may wonder how you can fit social media into the daily schedule. When you add in the normal work schedule, it can be hard to add in social media responsibilities. Pardot has recently posted an article that shows how you can manage social media in 30 minutes a day.

While the article talks about devoting 30 minutes a day to social media, that is considered the minimum amount of time. You can have a good presence, but having more time helps you have a stronger social media presence. If you're starting out, 30 minutes is a great amount of time for social media management. If may sound daunting, but it's not too bad. If you have multiple sites, it results in a few minutes for each site.

The article also includes an infographic that shows how to break down the 30 minutes among various social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more. The image shows how to divide the time among six social networking sites. Ten minutes is devoted to Twitter, while six minutes is for Facebook and LinkedIn. Four minutes is dedicated to Pinterest. Finally, two minutes is for Google+ and Instagram.

The time devoted to each site will vary, depending on the amount of social networking sites your organization has. I like how some sites have more time devoted to them than others. Perhaps those sites have a stronger following, or there is more activity on those sites. The most active sites should have more time devoted to them, while less active sites receive a smaller amount of time.

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