Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Muddy Show

Yesterday was a very busy day for the marching band. We marched in the Harvest and Herb Festival parade, had a rehearsal and performed at Sidney in a band festival. After the Sidney performance, I decided I would use this post to talk about that, as it was an interesting experience.

We left for Sidney around 5 p.m. and arrived an hour later. We had some time to relax before we warmed up and got ready to do our pregame routine. We were told the field was not in the best condition, but I’m sure nobody expected what the field actually looked like. I thought there may be some mud and it would be manageable to march on. Needless to say, I was wrong.
While we marched onto the field, we realized this would be a very muddy field. Mud got on our shoes and pants, and we didn’t start performing yet! We did not prance like we typically do, and I was okay with that. I almost fell towards the end of the fight song. Thankfully, nobody fell during that performance, but we still had to perform our halftime show after the high school bands performed.

The show was fun. The announcer got the crowd involved with a number of spirit chants. Some of the bands were very spirited as they watched the show. However, the field continued to affect the bands. Most of the bands would march some songs, then stand and play the rest of their show.
Eventually, we were told that we would only march our first song, then stand and play the rest. I was personally glad to hear that, as I’m sure other band members were. We waited for Sidney’s band to finish and then we took the field to perform our “Divalicious” show!

Getting on the field was a little different than normal. We weren’t in a big block, marching in time. We just marched to our spot, not in any distinct shape. Eventually, the first song ended and we got to stand for the rest of the show! However, I was standing in a deep mud pile and I was worried it would be hard to step out of at the end of the show. Fortunately, my shoes didn’t get stuck in the mud and we were done.
The aftermath of a muddy field
Overall, it was an interesting evening in Sidney. Even though mud covered my shoes and pants, it was a fun experience. It also made me excited for the turf field. Here's to no more muddy fields this year!

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