Saturday, December 21, 2013

Done with Fall Semester, Looking Ahead to Spring Semester

Another semester is done! Thankfully, I didn't have a really busy schedule with a lot of finals. Being a communications major, most of my "finals" in communication classes have been similar to the other tests and done during dead week. I only had one final and a showcase for my finals week.

I left early to study for my final in Intro to Convergent Media. Of course, it was on Monday morning. I thought I brought my midterm with me, but I didn't. I just skimmed through my book and notes to refresh my memory and hoped for the best. When I got it, I was surprised at the number of questions from the midterm. It took me about 30 minutes to finish, so I was pretty excited.

The dance showcase took place Wednesday night. It was really fun to perform and watch the other dances. Our class was second to perform, so we watched the first dance from the side then got into our lines to step on stage. I think we did a great job. Personally, I was happy when I got my pirouette! Some days, pirouettes would cooperate with me. Other days, my pirouettes would not look great.

Looking to next semester, I'm happy with my schedule. I have a few communication classes, one history class, symphonic band and a ballet class in my schedule. I'm really excited to take Ballet 1 again! I never got to take dance classes when I was young, so I had no real experience in ballet. This time, I won't have to go into class with no clue on any of the terms. I'll be able to become better at the basics, and hopefully next year, I can take more dance classes!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Social Media in 2014

Social media is always changing. Every year, there are predictions made about social media for the following year. Sue Reynolds recently posted an article on Carmine Media that gives four social media predictions for 2014. Two predictions were interesting to read.

The first prediction is hashtags will be the main call to action. Reynolds believes with the addition of hashtags to Facebook, more campaigns will be based around them. Creating a unique hashtag for a new campaign can generate buzz for the campaign. Also, it is possible for more people to search a hashtag on Twitter and see your tweet.

Another interesting prediction is because of Foursquare's place pins, they will bring more attention to local data. It was predicted that Foursquare would not have success in 2013. However, Foursquare proved people wrong by providing location data in various applications. Reynolds expects social media platforms will use this location data and give notification to users based on their location. She also shares an experience she had when Foursquare asked her how her trip to Fairport was after she took a trip to Ohio.

I think these are two good predictions. Hashtags are common on Twitter, and they are becoming common on Facebook. Platforms can integrate location data and gives users the appropriate notifications. There are many predictions on a number of articles. What do you expect to see with social media next year?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Importance of Measuring

Chapter 13 of Measure What Matters talks about measurement for nonprofits. Measurement is important in any field, but it is becoming more important in the nonprofit field. Relationships are another important aspect for nonprofits. It is important to have effective relationships. Katie Paine gives three reason why measurement has become increasingly important for nonprofits: social media, metrics and accountability.

Social media provides new ways for a nonprofit business to reach out to local stakeholders. If you want to figure the best way to reach them, you have to measure the success of each way you try and reach out to them. When you know the best way to reach stakeholders, you can refocus your social media strategy and be more effective.

The second reason to measure is metrics. In today's world, executive directors and board members are coming from for-profit businesses. They expect metrics will be available. There is a new requirement of detailed evaluations of any programs or initiatives your business does. These make it important to measure the results of your programs and initiatives.

The final reason why it is important is measure is accountability. Those who donate and contribute request accountability for the gifts they provide. When you measure your programs and initiatives, you can also include the contributions from the donors and contributors. It can be a win-win situation. Those who give get their credit and your business is helped.

In this chapter, I learned how important is it to measure in the nonprofit field. Measuring relationships is very important for nonprofits. You can improve how you reach your audience when you measure how effective communication is, especially with social media. When you can evaluate how your programs worked, you can use that information to improve those programs. Measuring is a key to better success with a nonprofit business.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Blaze of Lights

After Thanksgiving, the city of Bluffton holds their annual Blaze of Lights event. This year, my mom and I went to the Blaze of Lights celebration. The first night includes an ice sculptor, parade, booths on Main Street and more. Other things are done on a nightly basis until the beginning of the new year. These include a light show called The Gift of Giving, a holiday display and decorations in store windows. While we have viewed the decorations and the light show in the past, this was the first time we went on the first night.

Around 4 p.m., there was an ice sculptor who created an image of Santa Claus from a block of ice. It was interesting to watch him create this display. There was a mix of big chunks of ice taken off the block, with some smaller, intricate pieces of ice taken off the ice block. Before the parade, we got hot chocolate from a coffee shop. The parade started around 5 p.m. and it was a pretty long parade. There were fire trucks, a marching band, baton groups, clowns and more.

Once the parade was done, we walked up and down Main Street to see what was offered. There weren't a lot of booths set up, which surprised me. Also, a lot of businesses on Main Street were closed during the event. I expected more booths and more businesses to stay open.

We were getting ready to leave and noticed The Gift of Giving was actually going on at that time. I read it would begin after the parade on the first night, and posters around town said the show would start at 7 p.m. We pulled in and caught the second half of the show. Once it was done, we found a better spot to watch the next show.

The show is about a tree that is left behind and does not get to become a Christmas tree. At first, she is sad because she will not get to experience the joy of being a Christmas tree. An older tree and some animals help her learn that giving to others can give yourself joy. There is music by Mannheim Steamroller and the Trans-Siberian Orchestra that accompanies the show. Once the show was done, we were on our way home.

It was fun going to the first night of the Blaze of Lights. The parade and ice sculptor were fun to watch. The Gift of Giving is a short, entertaining show that lets the audience know how it feels to give to others. We're already planning to go to it next year!