Saturday, December 21, 2013

Done with Fall Semester, Looking Ahead to Spring Semester

Another semester is done! Thankfully, I didn't have a really busy schedule with a lot of finals. Being a communications major, most of my "finals" in communication classes have been similar to the other tests and done during dead week. I only had one final and a showcase for my finals week.

I left early to study for my final in Intro to Convergent Media. Of course, it was on Monday morning. I thought I brought my midterm with me, but I didn't. I just skimmed through my book and notes to refresh my memory and hoped for the best. When I got it, I was surprised at the number of questions from the midterm. It took me about 30 minutes to finish, so I was pretty excited.

The dance showcase took place Wednesday night. It was really fun to perform and watch the other dances. Our class was second to perform, so we watched the first dance from the side then got into our lines to step on stage. I think we did a great job. Personally, I was happy when I got my pirouette! Some days, pirouettes would cooperate with me. Other days, my pirouettes would not look great.

Looking to next semester, I'm happy with my schedule. I have a few communication classes, one history class, symphonic band and a ballet class in my schedule. I'm really excited to take Ballet 1 again! I never got to take dance classes when I was young, so I had no real experience in ballet. This time, I won't have to go into class with no clue on any of the terms. I'll be able to become better at the basics, and hopefully next year, I can take more dance classes!

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