Monday, November 18, 2013

Another Season is Done

Saturday marked the end of another marching band season. Although it was windy, the weather wasn't too bad. It was actually nice during the morning rehearsal. After we went through pregame and cleaned up the halftime drill, we did a run-through of the show and were dismissed to get lunch and get ready for the game.

Eventually, it was time to get ready for the 1813 halftime show. We marched to the first song, Ride of the Valkyries. After that song, we marched to another spot, where we stood and played La Donna e Mobile and The Pilgrim's Chorus. While we played the fight song and marched off the field, I almost ran into two guys who were standing underneath the bleachers. I though that was interesting, considering how that happened two times earlier in the season.

Once halftime was done, the game was a lot of fun. I enjoyed my snack, chocolate chip cookies and Mountain Dew. A lot of people took pictures, and I was no exception. Our section also took pictures, like other sections did. I also got a picture with my ONU twin, Christine. 

ONU twins

We got the win, which was a plus. After the game, it was exciting to see the football team's excitement while we played and sang the fight song.

As fun as Saturday was, it made me realize there were a lot of "lasts" that occurred. In our pregame formation, I stood between two of our "Mister Sisters" in Tau Beta Sigma in the "N." Also, there was a field conductor sandwich I was a part of this season. Neither of those will happen with those people next year. While I will miss the seniors, I can't wait to see what will happen next year!

1 comment:

  1. I blogged about the end season too! But, as far as the band goes I loved when you guys did the "Diva" routine this season, it was very fun to listen too. I can only imagine the amount of emotion surrounding celebrating the seniors for the band and football team. It was a good time watching both groups this season and I can't wait for next season.
