Monday, November 25, 2013

Holiday Bells

The holiday season is coming up fast. One of the traditions at Ohio Northern University is the Holiday Spectacular, a show full of Christmas spirit. Every year, sisters of Tau Beta Sigma ring hand bells before each show and I decided to sign up to ring bells before the shows on campus. This was my first year ringing bells, so I was nervous.

To add to my nervousness, I only had one rehearsal, on Wednesday, before Thursday's show. One rehearsal got cancelled due to weather and I worked during the next rehearsal. There was the idea of making Wednesday's rehearsal a little bit longer, but that didn't happen. After the rehearsal I was able to go to, I started to wonder what I got myself into.

Thursday night came around and I felt like I could do this and not get confused. Luckily, that's what happened! During the week, we added some other songs to play before the show. A number of people enjoyed the music we provided while they waited to enter the theatre.

Even though I came into this with no experience ringing hand bells, it was a lot of fun! I think I got better each time I rang bells. It was great to see people enjoy our music. I hope I can ring bells next year.

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