Friday, October 11, 2013

Fall Break is Near

I am so excited for fall break. It's not just because I get a break from classes. The marching band is going on a trip to New York. Even though our schedule may be affected due to the government shutdown, I am looking forward to the trip. It will be my first time in New York and I am excited that I'll get to be with my friends.

One thing I'm excited about is seeing shows! We got to choose between four musicals: "Chicago," "Cinderella," "The Phantom of the Opera" and "Wicked." I choose to see "Chicago" because it sounded interesting to me. In addition, a small group of us is going to see "STOMP" tomorrow night. I cannot wait to see "STOMP." I watched a movie of it in high school, but I am anxious to see it live.

We also get to perform during our trip. On Monday, we are performing in the Columbus Day parade. Fun fact: If you take this parade and the Homecoming parade, we'll march in two parades in one week. Monday's parade is going to be a new experience, as it will be the first time I've marched in New York.

I cannot believe this trip is so close. I can't wait to get there and have free time to explore New York. I'm also really excited to see shows. Do you have any fun plans for fall break?


  1. That sounds like an amazing experience! I am so jealous that you get to see STOMP; I have always wanted to see it live as well. I think it would be awesome to see any one of those four shows! I don't know much about them, but I love musicals and it sounds like you will be having a blast. You should definitely write a blog after the trip about how awesome it was or about how it went, I would be very interested to read it!

  2. Oh my goodness! This sounds incredible! I hope you're having a good time, and good luck with the parade tomorrow! I'm sure that will be an amazing experience for everyone. Also, make sure your group sees Times Square at night. All the lights make it look incredible. Unfortunately, my fall break isn't as exciting, but it's still a slight break from school, so who am I to complain? I do agree with Courtney that you should write another blog next week about your overall experience! I would love to hear how "Chicago" and "STOMP" were and how the parade goes! Enjoy your time in the Big Apple!

  3. Wow, that sounds a lot better than what I will be doing over fall break, considering I am already back in Ada! But New York City is one of my favorite cities just because of how big it is and there is so much to do. Soak it all in and I can't wait to hear about it when you get back!
